Sermon Title: Giving What Is Needed

November 20  “Giving What Is Needed”  Trying to meet people’s needs by giving of yourself will take something out of you.  God can fill us again, and God can work through us to make a difference in meeting needs, even when needs surface as interruptions to our agenda.  Giving can help reach one person at a time. Scriptures: Matthew 14:34-36; Matthew 15:21-31. Kirk Peterson preaching

The Sunday Information Event Page has links for the Sunday bulletin and attendance card

Contemporary Worship 9:00 a.m.

9:00a Trinity UMC Contemporary Service from Trinity UMC Milford on Vimeo.

Preparing Our Hearts for Worship

Welcome & Sharing Our Life Together

Centering Words: Psalm 100

Greeting One Another

Opening Praise:
“Beautiful One”
“Our God’s Alive”
“Come What May”

Children’s Message

Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer

God’s Word: Matthew 14:34-36; Matthew 15:21-31

Message: “Giving What Is Needed” Kirk Peterson

Closing Praise: “Come Alive”

Sending Forth

Together, we go forth to live Christ’s words for
“Homes Filled with Hope” throughout our community.

(Close of worship for live-stream)

Traditional Worship 11:00 a.m. will no longer be streamed.

See our other services on Vimeo Trinity UMC Milford