Kids Sunday School
Kids Sunday School
Kids R.O.C. – Where Kids Rely on Christ
- Nursery available for all services
- Preschool Kids are invited to join Ms. Dora during both services, dismissal is after the Children’s Moment.
- Bi-Weekly we have an all ages Sunday School class from 10:00-11:00 (aprx)
Children’s Sunday School: (K – 6th grade) uses Workshop Rotation Style Sunday School lessons held at the 9:30 hour. During the 9:30 service, they will begin in the sanctuary and be dismissed to our Sunday School Opening after the Children’s Moment. From the Opening they are dismissed to their classes by grade level.
“‘I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11
Our new Sunday School Year begins in September. Rotation Sunday School workshops for K-6th grade.
Rotation Sunday School Info
So…What is the Workshop Rotation Model (WoRM, for short)? WoRM is a Sunday school model which utilizes workshops instead of classrooms. One Bible story is taught over several Sundays, and the children attend a different workshop each week to experience the story from different perspectives. One rotation may last 3-5 weeks. Teachers teach the same workshop each week for the duration of the rotation, making adjustments to their lesson plans only for age-appropriateness. Classrooms are transformed into kid-friendly learning environments dedicated solely to one activity. WoRM recognized that repetition and appealing to the many ways in which children learn are the keys to retention. Kids will want to be there every Sunday Morning to see what we will be doing next!
Some of our Kids R.O.C Workshops Include:
- Creation Station (Art) where children will create to their hearts content
- Cubit’s Corner (Science) children will explore through hands-on science experiments
- Daniel’s Game Den (Games) where kids can be kids and play games that still bring the story home
- Faith Quest (Storytelling) Storytelling in a kid friendly format
- Lord of the Stage (Drama) children can “dress up” as the characters to become them for a day
- Peter’s Hard Rock Café (Cooking) children will cook and eat their way through the Bible stories.
Trinity is a Safe Sanctuary Church. All adults who work with minors have participated in training and had a background check.