Methodist Beliefs
What we believe
As a part of the United Methodist Church we believe in:
- The availability of God’s grace for all;
- The essential union of faith and works;
- Salvation as personal and social;
- The church as a community of Christ’s disciples who seek to share in God’s mission;
- The inseparability of knowledge and vital piety as components of faith
- Seeking holiness of heart and life both as individuals and in our society;
- A cooperative ministry and mission in the world;
- The link between Christian doctrine and Christian living;
- Scripture is primary for our beliefs, with Tradition, Experience, and Reason as additional helpful guidelines
About Baptism
Baptism initiates a covenant of relationship between God and the baptized person and between the church and the person. When you are baptized or affirm your baptism, the Trinity congregation enacts God’s grace toward you and welcomes you into the community of faith.
As a response to God’s gracious initiative, you will be asked to pledge your loyalty to the life and ministries of The United Methodist Church and to promise to uphold the local church with your prayers, presence, gifts and service.
As a baptized Christian, you will be part of the universal church and part of a particular community of Christians where you are known and watched over in love.
The United Methodist Church recognizes baptism for a person of any age. If you have been baptized in another denomination of the Christian faith, your baptism is recognized by The United Methodist Church as well.