Study Groups
Study Groups
Trinity hosts a number of ongoing Bible Study Groups that encourage your participation as your schedule permits. You do not need to pre-register for these groups. Come prepared with your Bible and an open heart and mind. All are welcome.
Ed Fisher’s Sunday School Class
Leader: Ed Fisher
- Sunday at 9:30 a.m., Classroom 4/6
- Welcoming all
- Open for more participants
- This groups studies the suggested scriptures for each week from the Methodist lectionary.
Pastor Kirk’s Thursday Studies
Leader: Pastor Kirk Peterson
- Thursday two classes offered, 6:30 pm (currently the 10:00 a.m. class is on hiatus)
- Trinity Conference Room (both classes)
- Welcoming all
Pastor Peterson meets with his groups year round. The Pastor’s Bible Study is a beneficial and enjoyable time of study, sharing and discussion. You are welcome to come, participate, and grow through Bible Study.
Trinity Prayer Group
Trinity’s Prayer Group meets weekly in the parlor on Wednesdays at 10:00. Prayer requests are generated online from the community, as well as from those who attend church worship or events. Please feel free to join us for our time of prayer as we hold our joys and concerns up to the Lord. We covenant to hold prayer requests as confidential. Bill Gray leads this ministry.
Women’s Tuesday Bible Study Group
Women’s Bible Study Group meets weekly on Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. currently meeting on Zoom. Led by Group Members. Contact the Trinity Office for more information.