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Missions Ministries

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Milford Miami Ministry

Trinity Church is a partner in Milford Miami Ministry (mmministry.org), which serves disadvantaged families with a Milford address- regardless of a person’s religion, race, ethnicity or gender – as a demonstration of God’s unconditional love for all people.

Our passion is for the Milford community’s poorest families whose suffering breaks the heart of God. We join with sister churches, individuals, Milford schools and the community to meet the needs of our friends and neighbors.
MMM partners, including Trinity church, donate gifts each December to help sponsor local children during the Christmas season. We also participate in two holiday food box distributions at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

The main MMM food pantry is located at the Milford Christian Church on State Route 131. The phone number is (513) 248-1114. Trinity houses an overflow pantry on our site.

Note: Milford Miami Ministry’s Food Pantry is always in need of the following items:

  • Boxed and canned goods, laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, shampoo, toiletries, eggs, meat, and baby diapers and supplies. Financial contributions always welcome.

TO USE THE KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS PROGRAM: You must register online at www.krogercommunityrewards.com, under “Find Your Organization” type in “Milford Miami Ministry”. Instructions are also available in the church office.

Watch for the periodic MILFORD MEIJER SIMPLY GIVE program that will benefit Milford Miami Ministry.

MMM Mary Miller Memorial 5k

The Annual MMM Mary Miller Memorial 5K Walk/Run will be held on April 8, 2017 at Miami Meadows Park.

Spring will be here before we know it, so register now to participate in the 6th Annual MMM Mary Miller Memorial 5K Walk/Run at Miami Meadows Park on Saturday, April 8. We hope to break all participation records for the previous four years, and you will want to be a part of the fun! You can register online at GetMeRegistered.com/MMM5K or pick up a brochure at Trinity. Details and registration information is also available on the Milford Miami Ministry website mmministry.org.

This event is a major fundraiser for the work of MMM and it is a fun, family-friendly activity. You can run, walk or “sleep in” on race day. In addition, we invite groups of six or more to register together and receive a discounted registration fee. Don’t forget the Kids Fun Run at 10:15 a.m. where everyone who participates is a winner! Remember that everyone who registers will add a great new t-shirt to their wardrobe from this 6th annual event.
We are also in need of volunteers to help with this major fundraiser for MMM. If you or members of your small group/organization are available on race day or the week leading up to the event, please volunteer by e-mailing mmm5k@mmministry.org. You will be given a specific job with instructions and all the resources you need, so volunteer now!

Finally, we rely heavily on the generous business sponsors from the Milford community. If your company, or a business you frequent, would like to sponsor this event, please direct them to the 5K page at MMMinistry.org or e-mail mmm5k@mmministry.org for all the details. This event is great fun and you will be supporting MMM, a vital community resource. Register now to participate!

For more information e-mail mmm5k@mmministry.org

Whiz Kids Tutoring

Trinity’s Whiz Kids students are nominated by Seipelt Elementary (Milford School District) to participate in a literacy based tutoring program. Adults who volunteer with the program  must apply online. A background check will be done and references will be contacted.

Please consider being part of this ministry. Helping children to read helps them to be a success in life. One-on-one time with tutors affirms their worth, and helps them excel. The gift of your time does make a difference! All volunteers work in their local community.

Regionally, Whiz Kids partners with more than 75 local churches and 60 public elementary schools, reaching at-risk youth from the Greater Cincinnati area.  Visit www.citygospelmission.com or on at www.facebook.com/WhizKids to learn more about this literacy program. Please contact Trinity’s Whiz Kids Director, Jane Loomis or Pastor Laura, with questions.

Tender Mercies Meal

Trinity UMC volunteers prepare and serve meals at Tender Mercies in the Over the Rhine area of Cincinnati on the first Sunday evening of every month. These meals provide a great way for your small group to enter into Christian service together, where we get to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those outside of our faith family.

Tender Mercies is a vibrant community that. . .

  • Maintains affordable permanent and transitional housing which promotes residents’ comfort and makes a positive contribution to the neighborhood
  • Provides support to residents allowing them to live independently as an integral part of their community
  • Is financially secure and professionally managed
  • Is a model of mutual respect and dignity in which individuals hold each other accountable for their actions and behaviors

Contact Anna Sheets for more information on current needs.

Cookies for Kairos

Watch for dates when Trinity (and Branch Hill) can help in the Kairos Prison ministry weekend at Lebanon Correctional Facility.  One of the powerful ways that God’s love is shown on the weekend is by flooding the prison with 10,000 dozen home-baked cookies. We can help. Package the cookies in 1 gallon zip lock plastic bags 2 dozen per bag (mixes and pre-made dough can be used, but please, no raisins, icing or powdered sugar).  Watch for information on our next cookie collection.  Find out more about Kairos on their website, www.kairosohio.org.

Global Missions

Mission trip to Nicaragua:
Occasionally teams will go to give health kits to cancer patients in the hospital, layettes to new mothers and their babies, and toys to sick children. Some of the time will be spent helping with a Bible school presentation, feeding a hot meal to children, and possibly doing either construction or maintenance work as needed by the “Fundacion El Samaritano” ministry of Nicaragua.

Would you like to help from home?  Consider putting either layette or health kits together to send with the team.

Pray for Matamoros
Trinity United Methodist Church previously partnered with Justos Servimos in Matamoros, Mexico. This mission is very much in need of your prayers. Violence and threats in the Matamoros area have caused Larry and Doctor Nancy to relocate to the states for the time being. The mission remains in need of your financial contributions nevertheless, as workers who remain in Mexico are still laboring to meet the needs of those in the area.