First Sunday of Advent; “Rediscovering Hope in Our Uncertainties”

November 27  “Rediscovering Hope in Our Uncertainties”  Hope is alive even in times of affliction and uncertainty.  Hope is the willingness and desire to believe beyond what our present circumstances and reality are presenting to us.  Hope is alive because God is with us, and we can rediscover hope placing our faith in Jesus. Scriptures: Romans 8:24-25; Luke 1:26-38. Kirk Peterson preaching

Video Links will update and be live when available

The Sunday Information Event Page has links for the Sunday bulletin and attendance card

Contemporary Worship 9:00 a.m.

9:00a Trinity UMC Contemporary Service from Trinity UMC Milford on Vimeo.

Preparing Our Hearts for Worship

Welcome & Sharing Our Life Together

Centering Words: God of all hope, fill us with all joy and peace
in believing that we may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Greeting One Another
Opening Praise:
“Rise Up”
“My Hope is in You”
“Light of the World”

Lighting of the Advent Candle

Children’s Message

Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer

God’s Word: Romans 8:24-25; Luke 1:26-38

Message: “Rediscovering Hope in Our Uncertainties” Kirk Peterson

Closing Praise: “Holy Spirit Come”

Sending Forth

Together, we go forth to live Christ’s words for
“Homes Filled with Hope” throughout our community.

(Close of worship for live-stream)

Traditional Worship 11:00 a.m. will no longer be streamed.

See our other services on Vimeo Trinity UMC Milford