July 26 “Is God Good When Life Isn’t?” When seemingly God fails to meet our expectations we may question His goodness. However, God’s knowledge of things far exceeds ours. In whatever we go through, we can trust in the fact that God is good all the time. God will get us through. Scriptures: Genesis 41:25-32; John 9:1-3
Traditional Worship 9:00 a.m.
Welcome and Announcements
Greeting Your Family in God
Call to Worship: Psalm 34:1-8
*Opening Hymn: “Blessed Assurance”
Children’s Message
Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer
Hymn: “’Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus” (Verses 1 & 4)
God’s Word: Genesis 41:25-32; John 9:1-3
Message: “Is God Good When Life Isn’t?” Kirk Peterson
*Closing Hymn: “Jesus Is All the World to Me” (Verses 1 & 2)
Contemporary Worship at 11:00 am
Welcome & Sharing Our Life Together
Our Praise:
“You Say”
Children’s Message
Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer
God’s Word: Genesis 41:25-32; John 9:1-3 https://bit.ly/2BEzDMJ
Message: “Is God Good When Life Isn’t?” Kirk Peterson
Closing Praise:
“Big House”
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