Go to our Sunday Information Page for Service Information
- In-Person & Online 9:00 a.m. Contemporary & In-Person only 11:00 a.m. Traditional
- Online Attendance Card
- Online Giving
- Links for all our Sunday information: Our Beacon Landing Page
- OFFICE CHANGE: Starting on Tuesday, November 12, the office will be open every Tuesday from 9 a.m.to 3 p.m. After that, when Lyn leaves at the end of December, the office will be open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m.to 3 p.m.
- NEW OFFICE MANAGER: With the upcoming retirement of Lyn Sutter at the end of this year, Trinity’s Staff Parish Committee has hired Virginia Barnett as the new office manager. Virginia will begin training on November 11 to get acclimated to the position. She has excellent experience in working for a church for the past 11 years. We welcome Virginia and more introduction of her will be coming.
- Connect the Hope
- Makerspace Information:
- The Makerspace Collaborative Team is looking for more help.
- Makerspace Information:
- Grow in Hope
- Bible Study Opportunities:
- 3rd Monday at 7:00 p.m., Men’s in Sacred Grounds (at Panera Bread)
- Mondays at 7:00 p.m., Women’s in Room 3
- Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m., Women’s via Zoom
- Thursdays at 10:00 a.m., Conference Room; 6:30 p.m., Room 2
- Bible Study Opportunities:
- Share the Hope
- UMCOR: To help those devastated by recent disasters, donations can be made out to Trinity that will go to UMCOR, (United Methodist Committee On Relief). 100% of donations to UMCOR go for relief efforts. Mark your donation “UMCOR” and designate what disaster.
- Milford Miami Ministry:
- MMM needs a volunteer to pick up day old items from Kroger in downtown Milford and take to pantry on Tuesday morning between 8:30 and 9:30 AM. Let Steve Reis at the pantry know if you would be willing to help (513-248-1114).
- Pill Bottles Collection: The pill bottles we collect for Matthew 25 Ministries must have all the labels removed completely, not just blacked out, including store bought bottles, or they cannot be sent. If you cannot remove the labels, please do not bring the bottles.
- Help Needed! There is a long “to do” list of things in and around the church needing to be done. A “to do” list is available in the Copier Room to see what projects with which you can help or contact Nancy Carter. Thanks to all those who have been helping.
- Tender Mercies is served the first Sunday of each month. More volunteers are needed in the coming months to help prepare and serve the meal. You can sign up in the sign-up notebook in the hallway or contact Martin Carey at missions@trinitymilford.org. The recipients at Tender Mercies are very appreciative for what Trinity provides, and this is an important part of our outreach.
- Missions: The laundromat outreach has returned. Donations can be designated as such, or you can place donations in the box on the information table located in the hallway just before the Breezeway.
- 10/02 Wed Night Dinner
- 10/06 World Communion Sunday
- 10/09 Anna Circle
- 10/12 Fall Work Day
- 10/17-19 M-Squad Trip
- 10/17 SPRC meeting
- 10/24 Church Council 7p, Rm 4/6
- 10/27 Trunk or Treat
- 11/03 All Saints Day
- 11/06 Wed Night Dinner
- 11/24 Charge Conference
- 12/14-15 Live Nativity
ON GOING CLASSES: (Contact the Office for more information)
- Ed Fisher’s Sunday School class is meeting at 9:30 a.m. in Room 4/6.
- Children’s Programs:
- Nursery care during both services and in between services.
- Children’s Praise and Play, Preschool – 6th grade, are invited to join a children’s lesson with the Sunday School team.
- Youth Programs:
- Youth Ministry 5th – 12th grades.
- Our Youth Ministry is God centered, Mission minded. Meetings are typically on Sunday evenings. Contact: Jennifer Flores, Youth@TrinityMilford.org Regular Meetings meet at Trinity 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
- Trinity Milford Community Group on Facebook! We would love for you to join and help us provide HOPE and SUPPORT throughout the Milford Community. Facebook.com/groups/trinitymilfordcommunity
- UMCOR (United Methodist Committee On Relief) is providing relief efforts to those affected by natural disasters and COVID-19. If you would like to donate, make your donation out to Trinity and mark it UMCOR with the specific disaster to which you would like it applied. Trinity will gather those donations and send them together. Know that 100% of your donations to UMCOR go to the relief efforts.
- Milford Miami Ministry (MMM):
- Accepting any donations of non-perishable items. Any items are greatly appreciated.
- Aluminum Can Recycling:
- One way we honor God by taking care of His creation is by recycling aluminum cans. 100% of the money generated goes to the mission fund. (and the price is up!) We appreciate all who deposit their bagged cans in the marked dumpster near the Fellowship Hall door.
- 2024 Sanctuary Flower signed up book: The Altar flowers will be $35.00 and the Chancel flowers will be $25.00, prices set by the florist. The Chancel flowers can only be signed up for after the Altar flowers are.
- Trinity “clings” ($1) and reusable grocery bags ($3) are available for donations. They are available in the copy machine office. Donations should be put in the lock box on the wall next to the copy machine.
- Looking for something else? See our Trinity Calendar
- Prayer Requests
- Use this on-line form to subscribe or change your subscription to the emailed Weekly Update.
- Use this on-line form to subscribe or change your subscription to the electronic copy of the Monthly Newsletter.
- On-line Giving can be found here.
Our vision is to be:
“A Christ-centered community providing HOPE and
SUPPORT where everyone is accepted.”