January “Dream Like Jesus” Sermon Series
January 30, Dream Like Jesus Series, Week 5: “Dream On” God intends for us to move forward and to expand on our dreams that emanate from Him. Seeing fulfillment inspires us to do even more. We grow as we look more and more to what God can accomplish through us. Scriptures: Matthew 28:19-20; 1 Peter 2:4-10. Kirk Peterson preaching.
Trinity UMC Milford on Vimeo.
Welcome and Announcements
Greeting Your Family in God
Call to Worship:
“Come, Now is the Time to Worship” Choir
Opening Prayer:
Lord, worshiping You, may we come to know You more clearly, love You more dearly, and follow You more nearly, day by day.
**Opening Praise:
“Hold on to Me”
“I Can Only Imagine”
Children’s Message
Praise Song: “Light of the World”
Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer (#895)
Hymn: 576 “Rise Up O Men of God”
God’s Word: Matthew 28:19-20; 1 Peter 2:4-10
Musical Reflection on God’s Word
Message: “Dream On” Kirk Peterson
*Closing Hymn: 571 “Go, Make of All Disciples”
(Close of worship for live-stream)
*Sending Forth
Together, we go to celebrate Christ’s gift empowering
“Homes Filled with Hope” throughout our community.
Organists: Lindsey Pertuset, Janet Oligee
Choir: Julie Peterson
Bells: Kathy Kellum
Trinity Live: Casey Tieman