27 Aug 2023 0 Comment

Abide Series Week 10 “Abide in Me”

August 27 Abide Series Week 10 “Abide in Me” We can do nothing unless we abide in Jesus. Jesus promises that if we abide in Him, we will have the blessings of a relationship with Him that is fruitful, loving, and joyful. We are to...
20 Aug 2023 0 Comment

Abide Series Week 9 “Imitate Good”

August 20 Abide Series Week 9 “Imitate Good” There is goodness in being faithful to the truth and walking in the truth. There is goodness in the way God has called us to treat one another. John instructs us to imitate what is good,...
13 Aug 2023 0 Comment

Abide Series Week 8 “Walk in Truth and Love”

August 13 Abide Series Week 8 “Walk in Truth and Love” Walking in the truth is different than simply knowing the truth. Walking in the truth is obediently living out the truth in our daily life. Abiding in the truth of God, we have the...
6 Aug 2023 0 Comment

Abide Series Week 7 “That You May Know”

August 6 Abide Series Week 7 “That You May Know” John was concerned with believers knowing certain truths such as having eternal life, asking according to God’s will, responsibility toward fellow believers, being God’s children,...
23 Jul 2023 0 Comment

Abide Series Week 6 “Overcoming the World”

July 23 Abide Series Week 6 “Overcoming the World” Obeying God’s commands demonstrates love for God and love for others. Keeping God’s commandments helps us in overcoming the world. The testimony of our faith shows that we abide in...
16 Jul 2023 0 Comment

Abide Series Week 5 “Truth and Error; God is Love”

July 2 Abide Series Week 3 “The Test of Truth, The Call to Abide” In his first letter, John raises the concern about anti-Christian teaching and activity and how these things should be put to the test. The reassuring instruction and...
9 Jul 2023 0 Comment

Abide Series Week 4 “Practice Righteousness, Pursue Love, Possess Assurance”

July 9 Abide Series Week 4 “Practice Righteousness, Pursue Love, Possess Assurance” We can show we are part of God’s family, “little children” as John says. We show we know God by obeying His commands, and by taking His view of...
2 Jul 2023 0 Comment

Abide Series Week 3 “The Test of Truth, The Call to Abide”

July 2 Abide Series Week 3 “The Test of Truth, The Call to Abide” In his first letter, John raises the concern about anti-Christian teaching and activity and how these things should be put to the test. The reassuring instruction and...
25 Jun 2023 0 Comment

Abide Series Week 2 “The Tests of Righteousness and Love”

June 25 “The Tests of Righteousness and Love” John tells us that those who say they abide in Jesus should themselves walk in the same manner as He walked. Walking like Jesus can be shown through the tests of righteousness and love. The...
18 Jun 2023 0 Comment

“Abide” series begins: “A Credible Witness”

June 18 Father’s Day; “Abide” series begins: “A Credible Witness” John was uniquely qualified to testify about Jesus and the spiritual matters of His followers. He was an eyewitness to Jesus himself in his years of ministry. His...