Making Room Sermon Series Week 4

Making Room Advent Sermon Series

Fourth Sunday of Advent

December 19, Making Room Series, Week 4: “Walk Each Other Home” Steeped in human interaction, the Christmas story, and the life and ministry of Jesus, teach us that following Christ is not intended to be a lone-ranger experience. We are not meant to journey alone in that, community is integral to living a life of faith. We need God and we need one another. God refines and matures our faith through our interactions with other people. Scriptures: Matthew 1:18-23; John 17:20-26.

Contemporary Worship 9:00 a.m.

9:00a Trinity UMC Contemporary Service from Trinity UMC Milford on Vimeo.

Preparing Our Hearts for Worship
Welcome & Sharing Our Life Together
Call to Worship

Opening Praise:
“Joyful, Joyful”
“Mary Did You Know”
“Holy Emmanuel”

Lighting of the Advent Candle
Children’s Message

Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer

God’s Word: Matthew 1:18-23; John 17:20-26

Message: “Walk Each Other Home” Kirk Peterson 

Closing Praise: “Oh What a Glorious Night” 

(Close of worship for live-stream)

*Sending Forth

Together, we go to celebrate Christ’s gift empowering
“Homes Filled with Hope” throughout our community.

Traditional Worship 11:00 a.m. will no longer be streamed.

See our other services on Vimeo Trinity UMC Milford