Worth It Sermon Series - Jan 2021

January 17  “Harvest Worth Working”  The age of Christendom often raised cultural and congregational Christians, and led to a faith constrained to “moralistic-therapeutic deism.”  We are living in post-Christendom where “nones & dones” are a large percentage.  Does our heart break with Jesus as we see these numbers?  Or, is it just depressing?  Or, do we blame “those people?”  Or, will we reimagine church outside the walls that will join in God’s harvest work?  Scripture:  Matthew 9:35-38; John 4:31-38 

Traditional Worship 9:00 a.m.

9:00a Trinity UMC Traditional Service from Trinity UMC Milford on Vimeo.

Welcome and Announcements
Greeting Your Family in God

Call to Worship

*Opening Hymn:  “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come”

Children’s Message

Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn:  “Pass It On” 

God’s Word: Matthew 9:35-38; John 4:31-38

Musical Reflection on God’s Word

Message: “Harvest Worth Working” Kirk Peterson

Closing Hymn:  “Here I Am, Lord”

We have a vision of being
“A Christ-centered community providing
HOPE and SUPPORT where everyone is accepted.”

*Response: “Lead On, O King Eternal” (Verse 3)

Organists: Lindsey Pertuset, Janet Oligee
Choir Director: Juli Peterson

Contemporary Worship 11:00 a.m.

11:00a Trinity UMC Contemporary Service from Trinity UMC Milford on Vimeo.

Welcome & Sharing Our Life Together

Our Praise:
“Do Something”

Children’s Message

Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer

God’s Word: Matthew 9:35-38; John 4:31-38

Message: “Harvest Worth Working” Kirk Peterson

Closing Praise: “Come Alive”

*Sending Forth We have a vision of being
“A Christ-centered community providing
HOPE and SUPPORT where everyone is accepted.”