January “Dream Like Jesus” Sermon Series
January 9, Dream Like Jesus Series, Week 2: “Dream Like Jesus” Jesus had “dreams” of His followers helping to bring His kingdom, doing His will, and carrying on His work in this world. These are no small tasks for followers of Christ, and cannot be done in their own power. Jesus invites us to “dream” like He does in the call He has upon our lives and in the power of His Spirit with us. Scriptures: Matthew 6:9-13; John 14:12-14. Kirk Peterson preaching
Contemporary Worship 9:00 a.m.
9:00a Trinity UMC Contemporary Service from Trinity UMC Milford on Vimeo.
Preparing Our Hearts for Worship
Welcome & Sharing Our Life Together
Call to Worship
Greeting One Another
Opening Praise:
“The Power of Your Name”
“Write Your Story”
Children’s Message
Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer
God’s Word: Matthew 6:9-13; John 14:12-14
Message: “Dream Like Jesus” Kirk Peterson
*Closing Praise: “Lift My Life Up”
(Close of worship for live-stream)
*Sending Forth
Together, we go to celebrate Christ’s gift empowering
“Homes Filled with Hope” throughout our community.
Traditional Worship 11:00 a.m. will no longer be streamed.
See our other services on Vimeo Trinity UMC Milford