Sermon Series Title: You'll Get Through This

August 23 “All in the Family” Jesus redefined his family to include all who come near him. God purposes to prepare a family to indwell His kingdom, and God works out things in conformity with the purpose of His will. God will get us through. Scriptures: Genesis 45:1-8; Matthew 12:46-50

Traditional Worship 9:00 a.m.

Welcome and Announcements
Greeting Your Family in God

Call to Worship: 

*Opening Hymn: “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee” (Verses 1 & 3)

Children’s Message

Returning to Learning Celebration
Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn: “Happy the Home Where God Is There” (Verses 1 & 2)

 God’s Word: Genesis 45:1-8; Matthew 12:46-50

Message:  “All in the Family” Kirk Peterson

*Closing Hymn: “How Can We Name a Love” (Verses 1 & 2)

(Close of worship for live–stream)
Sharing of Joys and Concerns & Prayer

*Sending Forth
We will get through this together with a vision of being
“A Christ-centered community providing HOPE and SUPPORT where everyone is accepted.”

Contemporary Worship 11:00 a.m.

Welcome & Sharing Our Life Together

Our Praise:
“You Say”

Children’s Message

Returning to Learning Celebration
Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer

  God’s Word: Genesis 45:1-8; Matthew 12:46-50 

Message:  “All in the Family” Kirk Peterson

Closing Praise:

(Close of worship for live–stream)
Sharing of Joys and Concerns & Prayer

*Sending Forth
We will get through this together with a vision of being
“A Christ-centered community providing HOPE and SUPPORT where everyone is accepted.”