Lenten “Cross Words of Jesus” Series

April 15 (Good Friday) “It Is Finished” Jesus’ last words of “It is finished” are not a cry of defeat, but of victory. The work that God the Father sent Jesus to do was completed on the cross—mission accomplished. Jesus’ work of rescuing us from sin and death is complete, but his work in us and in the world is ongoing, continuing to bring us hope.

Contemporary Worship 9:00 a.m.

Trinity UMC Milford on Vimeo.


Centering Words:
We enter with reverence into the presence of the cross at this memorial of the crucifixion. We remember this loving act of Christ that offers hope in our darkest moments. We enter this sacred story. We open ourselves to Divine Love here at the foot of the cross of Christ.

Call To Worship:

Draw near to the cross of Christ.
We draw near in awe and gratitude.
Enter this ancient and sacred story.
We enter, open to transformation.
Find your place in this holy narrative.
We seek to receive anew the grace and love of Christ Jesus.
The Opening Hymn: #286 “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded”

Last Words: adapted from Roddy Hamilton

Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do
Here is love
caught between the powers of the world and the breaking of heaven and the Last Word forgives 

Truly I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise
Here is love
found between two thieves crucified among the lost and the Last Word turns and promises paradise

Woman, behold your son. Son, behold your mother
Here is love lonely on the cross and with nothing left the Last Word even now brings together mother and son

My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?
Here is love
some gargoyle of grace abandoned by heaven and the Last Word breaks with loneliness

I thirst
Here is love
Seeking solace in the last moments of life and the Last Word appeals to humanity

It is finished
Here is love
when every hope seems to come to an end and the Last Word is finished

Father, into your hands I commit my spirit
Here is love
clinging to one true hope that not everything is lost and the Last Word dies

Hymn: #292 “What Wondrous Love Is This” (verses 1 & 2)

The Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 52:13-53:10

Hymn: #292 “What Wondrous Love Is This” (verses 3 & 4)

Epistle Lesson 2 Corinthians 5:17-19

The Prayer
Strong Deliverer, Holy God, we offer praise to you in this congregation, because you have heard our cries, you have remembered and answered us. You have been our strength and our hope. With confidence, we enter your holy presence, remembering Jesus who led us to you through the courageous power of his life and the mystery of his death. We draw near with true hearts bent on praising you and living for you, in the name of our brother, who carried the cross, and in the power of the Spirit, who rested upon him. Amen.

The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn: #301 “Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross”

The Gospel Lessons John 17:1-5; John 19:30

The Message: “It is Finished” Pastor Jennifer Burns

The Closing Song “Carry Him Gently” Julie Peterson, soloist

The Draping of the Altar

The Dismissal
Jesus’s work on earth is finished, but his work in us and in the world is ongoing. May the work of the cross ripple on, through us, into the world.