“Because of Bethlehem Advent Sermon Series

December 22 “Hold It Together” Interruptions come with Christmas and with life in general. Such interruptions can stir fear and anxiety and even affect our relationship with God. We cannot face a crisis if we don’t face God first. Because of Bethlehem, we are assured that God holds it all together so we can. Scriptures: John 1:1-14; Luke 2:1-20.

The Sunday Information Event Page has links for the Sunday bulletin and attendance card

Contemporary Worship 9:00 a.m.

9:00a Trinity UMC Contemporary Service from Trinity UMC Milford on Vimeo.

Preparing Our Hearts for Worship

Welcome & Sharing Our Life Together

Centering Words: With all the interruptions in life, because of
Bethlehem we are assured that God holds it together so we can.

Greeting One Another

Opening Praise:
“He Shall Reign”
“Hold on to Me”

Lighting of the Advent Candle

Children’s Message

Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer

God’s Word: John 1:1-14; Luke 2:1-20

Message: “Hold It Together” – Kirk Peterson

Closing Praise: “Angels (Glory to God)”

Sending Forth

Together, we go forth to live Christ’s words for
“Homes Filled with Hope” throughout our community.

(Close of worship for live-stream)