Our History
Trinity Methodist Church was founded in 1960 as the result of the merger of Mulberry Methodist Church and Pleasant Hill Methodist Church.
Mulberry Methodist Church was formed in 1840 and stood at the corner of Pleasant Hill Road and State Route 28. Her building site was donated by Ezekiel Liming. The bell which is presently a part of Trinity was moved from the Mulberry Church and is over 130 years old.
The Pleasant Hill Church began as a Methodist Class Meeting under the direction of Conduce Gatch. The meetings were held in private homes and the schoolhouse until George S. Gatch donated the land on which a church building was built. In 1894, the original building burned and a new building was built and dedicated. This building stood on the southeast corner of State Route 131 and Pleasant Hill Road until it was torn down in 1960 when the property was sold to the Marathon Oil Company. The antique clock hanging in the Narthex entryway was donated to Trinity UMC by Celia Taylor and restored back to working condition by Glenda Richards. It was originally from the Pleasant Hill Church and dates back to the 1880’s.
When both churches experienced rapid growth in the late 1950’s, a resolution by a majority vote of the members of each church was approved stating that the two churches would merge as of January 1, 1959. The name Trinity was chosen as a symbol of the union of the churches.
A groundbreaking ceremony for a new building was held in the spring of 1960, and construction was completed in the spring of 1961. Trinity Methodist Church opened her doors for her first worship service on Easter Sunday 1961. In 1968 she became Trinity United Methodist Church.
Trinity UMC has accomplished much progress in her ministry to the Day Heights-Mulberry area and beyond. Today she is the church home of approximately 500 active members and friends.

8:15 a.m. Traditional Worship
9:30 a.m. Trinity LIVE Contemporary Worship
9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages
11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship